1. Check your UKVI account
Log into your UKVI account and make sure the following information is showing correctly:
- Name
- Photograph
- Immigration status (and expiry date, if applicable)
- Your eVisa is linked to the passport that you used to apply for your current UK immigration status. If your passport has since been updated, or you have multiple passports, link them to your eVisa. This will reduce the risk of delays at the border
- Your current passport is listed as your log-in ID document. If you set up your UKVI account initially using your BRP, select to change your log-in document from your BRP to your passport
Make sure you update your other personal information in your UKVI account, such as:
- Mobile phone number
- Email address
- Name
- Date of birth
- Passport
- Nationality
- National identity card (if you have status under the EU Settlement Scheme)
- Home address
- Postal address
If you change your name, nationality, date of birth or sex marker, you must do so while you are in the UK. This is because it is not currently possible to update these details and add a new passport while you are outside the UK. If you need to re-enter the UK using a new passport with any of these details changed, you would have to apply through a Visa Application Centre for a ‘temporary visa’, which may delay your return.
3. Carry this list of documents in your hand luggage
To reduce the risk of encountering difficulties re-entering the UK, we would suggest you carry the following in your hand luggage so that you can access them quickly if needed:
- A printout or an electronic copy of your UKVI account profile page
- Your BRP or BRC that expires on 31 December 2024 (if you have one)
- A printout or an electronic copy of your approval email from your most recent visa application
- The reference number from your share code
- Useful telephone numbers including the 24/7 passenger support helpline on 0800 876 6921 or +44 203 337 0927, and the UKVI Customer Contact Centre number on +44 (0)203 875 4669
Useful links and information
- Home Office’s eVisa guidance: http://www.gov.uk/guidance/online-immigration-status-evisa
- Home Office video on how to travel with an eVisa: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/online-immigration-status-evisa-help-video/how-to-travel-with-your-evisa-video
- Guidance on eVisa checks to take before travelling: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/making-sure-your-evisa-is-correct-before-you-travel
- View and Prove: https://www.gov.uk/view-prove-immigration-status
- Check immigration status (for carrier): https://www.gov.uk/check-immigration-status
- eVisa error reporting: https://www.gov.uk/report-error-evisa
- UKVI account recovery: https://update-your-details.homeoffice.gov.uk/account-recovery/help
- UKVI contact centre, including telephone numbers: https://www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-inside-outside-uk/y/inside-the-uk/accessing-your-uk-visas-and-immigration-account/yes-i-ve-received-a-decision-on-my-application