
As part of the rockhopper team, I help employers across a broad range of industry sectors manage their HR risk, providing clear, pragmatic and goal-orientated advice that reflects each client's appetite for risk.

I deal with queries across the full spectrum of employment law, drawing on over a decade's experience of complex UK and global employment law matters.

I graduated with a law degree from Oxford University and began my career at an international law firm based in London before moving to Lewis Silkin.



  • Supporting HR teams with ad hoc issues including sickness, disciplinary and family rights matters
  • Providing strategic advice on areas of HR risk
  • Advising on contracts, policies and settlement agreements
  • Supporting clients with strategic projects including large-scale redundancy exercises


  • Assisting clients with discrimination and diversity matters
  • Advising on contentious and non-contentious cases
  • Supporting HR teams with senior executive terminations and disputes

