The Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA) and the Influencer Marketing Trade Body (IMTB) are rolling out the fourth edition of their Influencer Marketing Code of Conduct.

Originally launched in 2021, the Code has undergone a major revamp. It now features themed sections that outline the best practices for brands, talent, influencer marketing agencies, and influencers themselves.

The 'golden thread' from previous iterations of the Code – that of collaboration between all industry participants – remains, helping to drive transparency for consumers, effectiveness for brands, and influencers being able to deliver high impact content.

With influencer marketing rapidly evolving and investment in it growing, the updated Code tackles several key areas to ensure responsible marketing. These include Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), ad accessibility, health and well being, and environmental sustainability. It also sets ethical standards for the use of virtual influencers and artificial intelligence.

Notably, the Code now also includes a section on prevention of harm which might be caused by the content or placement of influencer ads. This addition has emerged from the work of the Government's Online Advertising Taskforce, which has a sub-group dedicated to influencer marketing. 

Updated Marketing Code of Conduct for Influencers issued by ISBA and IMTB
