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Have your say how you want us to deliver immigration services to individuals!

11 June 2018

As one of the leading firms for business immigration, one of our top priorities is understanding the implications of Brexit for EU workers. We now know that the 3 million EU nationals and their family members are going to have to start, later this year, to apply under a new immigration procedure for ‘settled status’. Many of them will not have come into contact with the UK visa system before and may understandably feel they would benefit from legal assistance with the process.

In response to this and with a view to extend our current range of personal immigration services, we are looking to develop a standalone brand offering low cost, high volume personal immigration services via a digital platform and want your views on whether you would be happy to access immigration legal services via a website.

This would offer the same quality advice as you get directly from a law firm but enables you to pay a set fee up front for three specific immigration services offering access to the same quality advice from a leading city law firm immigration team for a fixed fee.

We’d therefore like your views on how we could best deliver such personal immigration services to you. Have your say by completing this short 3 minute survey:

Thank you!

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