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In-House Data Club: Children’s Code 101

  • 21 April 2021
  • 9:30 – 10:30am
  • WebEx

Event materials

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The Children’s Code: Are you ready, and perhaps fully signed up as a Transparency Champion? Are you still discussing what to do? Haven't started yet?

The ICO has issued a reminder that businesses need to act now to make the necessary changes to their online products and services to achieve compliance with the Children’s Code (a.k.a. the Age Appropriate Design Code) before the 12 month grace period ends on 2 September 2021. From that date, businesses will be expected to meet the 15 standards set out in this statutory code of practice, otherwise there is a possibility of enforcement action, e.g. compulsory audits, processing bans and fines, let alone reputational damage it could do to a brand.

Wherever you are with your preparations for complying with the code please join us for our first of two events on the Children’s Code. In this session we will:

  • cover the basics, and
  • give you practical steps you can take away and implement.

The LS In-House Data Club, for in-house counsel and data protection practitioners, is intended to be interactive and a discussion forum to share experiences with your contemporaries in an informal Chatham House style. If you have any burning questions on the Code, or children’s data in general, that you’d like us to address please email us at: Remember if you are not sure of the answer then you are unlikely to be alone!

This event will take place via WebEx, if you would like to register or a colleague would like to attend, please contact

Our second event will look children’s data from a global perspective and include practitioners from the USA and Ireland.  This session will also be by WebEx in late May. To register your interest please contact:

We look forward to (virtually) seeing you soon!



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Alexander Milner-Smith


I am Co-Head of Lewis Silkin's Data, Privacy & Cyber Group. I work in three main areas: data, privacy & cyber and general employment law, ...

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Ali Vaziri


I specialise in information law and media litigation, acting for claimants and defendants, businesses and individuals alike, to protect ...

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